
Preventive care supported by aggregated data

The current flow of data from individuals, municipalities and regions lacks a coherent structure for effective planning and monitoring of health interventions. There is a challenge to balance privacy with societal benefit by collecting and analysing data to identify health trends and shift care needs.

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Today, a lot of data (e.g. health data) is collected separately from individuals, municipalities and regions. The problem with this is that there is no overall support for planning, measuring and monitoring health interventions with the right balance between personal privacy and societal benefit. In other words, the challenge is to jointly collect and analyse different types of data to identify trends, patterns and risk factors that affect people's health and, based on this, to be able to shift care needs.

How to create shared digital support systems for health and social care that are sustainable over time by being flexible and have the ability to handle the changes that will come in the future? Where is the line between individual benefit and the benefit of health and social care?

Identified three areas

For a long-term change in health and social care, Region Sörmland and Eskilstuna Municipality have chosen to look at this together with the Centre for Welfare Change. Three areas have been identified in this work.

  1. It is necessary to build new arenas for sustainable collaboration between different actors to develop the work of preventive care with the support of data. This requires new forms of collaboration where joint learning and development are central.
  2. The digital data to be used must be accessible, of high quality and secure. What data should be collected, shared with others and who has ownership of the data needs to be explored. Lessons learnt from previous projects in the field need to be gathered. With this as a basis, an overall strategy for further work is then created.
  3. The development of the use of data (e.g. health data) requires a necessary change in working methods among health and social care professionals, especially in preventive work with various risk groups. It is also important to promote the individual's own use of data and to cooperate with new actors such as insurance companies and occupational health services to maximise the impact of preventive health work.

We hope that by bringing different partners together we will create a greater understanding and include multiple perspectives in developing joint long-term solutions. We expect that this will require new ways of working and secure data collection which can promote an overall improvement of care and public health taking into account shifting care needs.
