
Campus Västerås

The campus in Västerås is just a 15-minute walk from the Central Station, right between the city centre’s active life and recreation facilities. On the one side lie the old town and the city centre, with its wide range of malls, cafés, restaurants and other entertainment facilities. A stone’s throw in the other direction is the Rocklunda sports complex, with several arenas and sports grounds.

Huvudentré campus Västerås

The entire campus was specially built for MDU, and is characterised by high ceilings, spacious, light glass surfaces, and lots of meeting places where students can socialise. Student housing is also situated In close proximity to the campus.

On campus you can find for example:

  • The Student Centre
  • The University Library,whose building received an architecture award
  • Group rooms, halls and the large Aula Alfa and Aula Omega
  • Restaurant and Cafe
  • Student Health Care
  • The student union's house, with its own restaurant and pub

Digital Campus Tour

Welcome to the Mälaren city of Västerås

Studenter i Västerås

OK so let’s face it. Västerås isn’t the biggest city you have been in. With it’s about 153 000 inhabitants of Sweden’s in total 10 million people it’s still the sixth biggest city in this country.

Being a smaller city has its advantages. Everything is rather close and bikes are the most common means of transportation. The campus in Västerås is close to the city center and just a 15 minute walk from the central station. There are clubs, restaurants and cafés and enough activities to suit all needs. Some examples are concerts, theater, cinemas as well as sports of all sorts.

And you’ve probably heard about the streets in Sweden covered in ice and snow during the winter? Well, you won’t get to see much of that in Västerås. The streets in the city center are heated through a collaboration between the city of Västerås and the energy company Mälarenergi.

In Västerås there are several multinational companies such as ABB, Amazon, Bombardier and Westinghouse. Apart from being collaboration partners to the university these companies are major employers constantly looking for talent.

From Gotland to Västerås

A large part of student life is about getting to know new friends, discovering a new town and beginning a life that you plan and are responsible for all by yourself.

- In 2016 I decided to move from Gotland to start my life as an engineer within two important areas, economics and engineering. My childhood friends had already started studying at MDU and they encouraged me to do so too, says Mostafa Saleh.

The campus in Västerås is centrally situated and the city is also a one-hour drive to a lot of nearby cities, including Stockholm. Apart from its proximity, Mostafa Saleh was attracted by the housing guarantee that the city offers to student newcomers.
- I got a place to live in connection with my being admitted to my study programme. This made things a lot easier for me. Another reason why I chose to study at MDU in Västerås is because the city is often called the energy capital of Sweden. Big companies such as ABB, Bombardier and Northvolt are operating here and of course I see them as potential employers when my studies are over, says Mostafa Saleh.

“Great study environment”

Mostafa Saleh is an M.Sc. in Engineering student who is reading Industrial Engineering with specialisation in Energy. Just now he’s in his fourth year of studies.

- The studies are of high quality with a great study environment. The lectures are held by senior lecturers who have specialised within their field. The great thing is that we get the chance to make contact with the big companies in the region and get to know about practical problems that they themselves experience. I’m really enjoying my studies, and my fellow students are fine and down to earth and who are now good friends of mine, says Mostafa Saleh.

Mostafa Saleh is combining his studies with both summer work at Mälarenergi, a position teaching lessons in the Linear Algebra course, and as an MDU ambassador.

- Getting involved in something on the side of my studies is first and foremost about having good self-discipline and the ability to plan. Then it’s an advantage to dare to grab your chances and show your paces. MDU is very good at creating opportunities for us students to get involved in things. There are lots of ways of sharpening up your CV with relevant experience if you want to, says Mostafa Saleh.

“A city that’s got something for everyone”

To be able to cope with studies and spare-time jobs you sometimes need a break. Only your imagination sets the limits for how much you can do in your spare time in Västerås, which previously won the title of Student City of the Year.
- Student life in my opinion is completely satisfying. Apart from the Mälardalen Student Union and the student associations who fix everything from glitter parties and toga to fun dinner parties and rookie activities, there are lots of good restaurants, fun nightlife spots and fine nature experiences by Lake Mälaren. Västerås also offers activities such as sports halls, gyms, pubs and events such as the Culture Night, the City Festival and the Summer Meet. It’s quite simply a city that’s got something for everyone, says Mostafa Saleh.