
Master's Programme in Chamber Opera

The Degree of Master of Fine Arts in Western Classical Music and Opera, specialising in Chamber Opera, is a full-time programme for two years. It is aimed at those who are passionate about being on stage and conveying opera through singing.

The programme

To begin the education in this multifaceted art form you must already have achieved an
advanced level of vocal development and have wide expertise in the field as well as insight
into current research and development work.

The Master of Fine Arts in Chamber Opera programme has a holistic view of what an opera
singer needs in his or her future professional life. This means that in addition to vocal
lessons, rehearsals and stage training at the highest level, you will also receive valuable tools
that will help you shape your music-making and form your artistic identity.

In addition to singing, lessons are offered in ensemble singing, lied interpretation, role
rehearsals, fencing, stage fighting, dance, elocution lessons, opera improvisation, languages
and much more.

You will also gain insight into the codes that apply in the singing profession, for example,
concert practice, audition technique, choice of repertoire, attire and attitude. This will prepare
you for your future professional life as a professional opera singer.

Teachers with international experience

During the programme you will be taught by teachers and guest lecturers who belong to the
top tier of the Swedish and international musical scene. Individual singing lessons are
interspersed with joint weekly lessons. You will learn how to use your voice and your body to
portray different characters and convey feelings, thoughts and dramatic events.

Around fifty performances every year

The Academy of Music and Opera produces about 50 concerts and performances per
academic year where you are given several opportunities to perform in front of audiences on
different stages, in different instrument constellations and with repertoire from different
stylistic periods. Some examples of venues are the Västmanland Theatre with 400 seats and
orchestra pit, Västerås Concert Hall with 912 seats and top-level acoustics, the Hall of State
(Rikssalen) at Västerås Castle and Västerås Cathedral with 1100 seats.

Specially adapted premises at Västerås Slott

The Academy of Music and Opera’s premises are located in the historic Västerås Castle, with
rehearsal rooms that are specially adapted for singing and music and that have long opening

Entrance examination

Admission and selection to the Master of Fine Arts Programme in Western Classical Music
and Opera, specialising in Chamber Opera, is done through an entrance examination.

Jobs and the future

As an opera singer, you will have a creative and varied profession in ensembles, at opera
houses or as a freelance musician.

Programme structure and content

If you study full-time, you study 30 higher education credits (hp) per semester. Courses can run at different paces and be of different lengths. As a program student, you have a guaranteed place for courses in your program and you study the courses in a specific order. Some courses within a program are mandatory and some are optional.

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