
Master's Programme in Global Strategy and Management

Education level CreditsSecond cycle 120 credits

Time2 years full time

Study locationVästerås

Enhance your chances to succeed in the globalised business world and become a responsible leader or a successful management consultant.

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120 credits

Education level

Second cycle

Study pace

full time

Study location





2 years

Teaching form

Normal teaching

Tutoring language


Application code



University credits

Specific requirements

A completed Bachelor's degree from an institution of higher education of three years or more, equivalent to at least 180 credits and with a major in the field of Business Administration. A TOEFL test result, with a minimum score 575 with a TWE score of at least 4.5 (PBT) or 90 with a TWE score of at least 20 (iBT), or an IELTS test result with an overall band score of at least 6.5 and no band score below 5.5, or equivalent is required.


For students outside EU/EEAPer installment prior to each semester: 49250 SEKAnnual tuition fee: 98500 SEKTotal programme fee: 197000 SEK

Apply for autumn semester 2024, Västerås

Apply for the programme

The Programme

The two-year Master’s programme in Global Strategy and Management offers advanced-level education in Business Administration. The programme’s vantage point is contemporary challenges and developmental issues relating to globalisation, digitalisation, and sustainable development, in the context of business and management studies. This programme is ideal if you wish to take on a responsible leadership role in your career. During the programme, you will learn to analyse complex problems and opportunities. You be taught how to use these analytical skills in your forthcoming career, to make bold decisions on new ideas and directions that can support a sustainable future.

The programme will prepare you for a career in a global or regional context. The combination of courses will advance your ability to manage strategic leadership and understand challenges in an increasingly complex and competitive business landscape. This includes the ability to manage global business and understand sustainability challenges, lead digital transformation, navigate geopolitical complexities, and seize international opportunities – in the context of small and large international firms or other types of organisations.

The programme builds on the pedagogical idea of problem- and case-based learning. This approach allows you to practice your ability to link theory and practice. It will endorse your creativity, help you to manage organisational change, and encourage you to take on challenges connected to globalisation and sustainability.

All the teaching is conducted in English.

Employment and Future Prospects

Studying global strategy and management can lead to a wide range of job opportunities and career paths in various industries and sectors. For instance, you can work as a global strategy manager, global sustainability manager, management consultant, international project manager, or international business analyst.

A degree from this programme will enable you to pursue career opportunities in small and medium-sized companies as well as multinational corporations, consulting firms, non-profit organisations, and international trade associations. In addition, the programme will prepare you for pursuing a career in academia through doctoral studies, should you wish to choose that path.

Programme structure and content

If you study full-time, you study 30 higher education credits (hp) per semester. Courses can run at different paces and be of different lengths. As a program student, you have a guaranteed place for courses in your program and you study the courses in a specific order. Some courses within a program are mandatory and some are optional.

    Courses within the programme

    Business Administration:

    • Advanced studies in global strategy, 7.5 credits*
    • Advanced studies in management, 7.5 credits*
    • Responsible management for sustainable business practices, 7.5 credits
    • Leading digital transformation, 7.5 credits
    • International business and entrepreneurship, 7.5 credits
    • Business and institutions in a global era of sustainability challenges, 7.5 credits
    • Research as practice - Advanced studies in methodology, 15 credits*

    *The course contributes to fulfilling the degree requirements of courses at advanced level with a specialisation in Global Strategy and Management.

    Business Administration:

    • Master's Thesis in Business Administration, 30 credits*

    Electives 30 credits

    Business administration:

    • Management Consulting and Business Communication with internship, 15 credits
    • Elective courses in Business Administration. Guaranteed admission according to the programme schedule.
    • Exchange studies, 30 credits (Autumn)

    *The course contributes to fulfilling the degree requirements of courses at advanced level with a specialisation in Global Strategy and Management.

    Contact us

    Chat with us

    If you have any questions about the studies or the student life at MDU, don't hesitate to contact us! We will help you with your questions and give you the information you need.

    Contact a study advisor

    For questions about prior knowledge, entry requirements and the application procedure, please contact ESTstudievagledning@mdu.se

    Sara Melén Hånell

    Can answer questions about the set-up and content of the programme.

    Phone number +4621101578 E-mail address sara.melen.hanell@mdu.se