
  • Study location 15/10 MDU Eskilstuna, 17/10 MDU Västerås
  • 2024-10-15 10:00–15:00
  • 2024-10-17 10:00–15:00

Högvarv in collaboration with the Thesis and Degree Project days

Högvarv - the labour market trade fair in collaboration with the Thesis and degree project days create an arena with the chance to offer several interfaces between employers and students.

Dates and place

  • 15 October 2024 at MDU in Eskilstuna
  • 17 October 2024 at MDU in Västerås


Through our various packages, you as an employer can have the opportunity to:

  • Booth space to showcase your business
  • Exhibition space in own group room or lecture hall 15 minute presentation in the lecture hall
  • Company host who can answer questions some time before and during the event
  • Breakfast and lunch tickets

"The students help us take the first step"

More and more companies, municipalities, regions and organisations recognise the benefits of involving students in their operations. Westermo is one of the companies that has had positive experiences in allowing MDU students to do their degree projects with them.

Read more


Why should you visit Högvarv?

  • Job and career opportunities
  • Internship opportunities
  • CV-training
  • Networking
  • Connect with leading companies
  • Find a thesis project
  • Attend interesting seminars
  • Competitions and gifts


Photo from Högvarv in collaboration with the Thesis and Degree Project days, in the spring 2024.

Högvarv in collaboration with the Thesis and Degree Project days is organized by MDU och Mälardalen Student Union.

Contact Information