

MDU's research leads to necessary knowledge and development – for Swedish industry and welfare, but also to solve some of the global challenges. The greatest part of research is conducted in cooperation with the private and the public sectors.

  • Date 2024-05-23
  • Article type News

SEK 111 million to develop advanced automation and robotics

To reinforce Sweden's leading position in smart industry and sustainable production, the Knowledge Foundation has granted SEK 48 million to MDU for research in advanced automation and robotic technology. With additional funding from industrial partners and the University, the entire investment amounts to SEK 111 million over eight years.

about SEK 111 million to develop advanced automation and robotics
  • Date 2024-05-17
  • Article type News

Her research turns perceptions of what work is on their head

The benefits of moving office work outdoors are many; especially those linked to health, wellbeing, learning and creativity. Despite this, most people who work in offices remain seated indoors in front of their screens. This is something that Charlotte Peterson Troije wishes to change.

about Her research turns perceptions of what work is on their head
  • Date 2024-05-13
  • Article type News

Improving health by working outdoors is an international trend

The construction and real estate industry must reduce its environmental footprint, and several international trends contribute. Doing office work outdoors for better health is one of these trends. MDU conducts solid research in this area.

about Improving health by working outdoors is an international trend


Public defence, Joyce Martin – Computer Science

  • 2024-08-20 13:15
Room Kappa
The public defence of Joyce Martin’s licentiate thesis; " Towards Mission and Capability Modelling for Systems of Systems", will take place at Mälardalen University, campus Västerås, August 20, 2024

Public defence, Elena Anastasiadou – Business administration

  • 2024-08-27 10:15
Gamma, MDU Västerås
Business Actor Engagement: Understanding Collaborative Business Initiative Outcomes

Public defence, Benti Geleta Buli - Public Health Sciences

  • 2024-09-06 13:15
Sal Lambda (Västerås) och digitalt via Zoom
The public defence of Benti Geleta Buli doctoral thesis will take place at Mälardalen University, campus Västerås September 6 2024.

Research specialisations

Computer and Data Science

Computer and Data Science (CDS) conducts research on novel approaches, algorithms, techniques, and tools in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning, optimization, heterogeneous data from various sensing devices, software and hardware for robots, brain-like computing, as well as formal methods and static program analysis.

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Educational Sciences and Mathematics

Researchers are working to raise the quality of education and to develop industry with the aid of mathematics.

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Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) research specialization conducts research with a focus on the (embedded) system’s run-time platform including execution of software, communication of data and control, and runtime adaptation mechanisms.

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Future Energy Center

Research focusing on renewable energy, energy efficiency and emission mitigation, as well as smarter modelling, optimisation and management.

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Health and Welfare

An interdisciplinary specialisation, an area for research studies and a field of knowledge where health research and welfare research meet studying different aspects of health.

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Innovation and Product Realisation

Research on how to develop sustainable, useful and competitive products and services.

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Industrial Economics and Organization

Digitalisation, globalisation and sustainability have attracted a lot of attention in society as well as in academia. We have reached a point where there is a need for questioning and refining the way we deal with such issues by applying interdisciplinary lenses and unpacking critical concerns.

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Medical and health engineering

Medical and health engineering (MHE) is an interdisciplinary field that unites engineering and medical sciences to create cutting-edge technologies with the purpose to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases, as well as to support human well-being.

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Software and Systems Engineering

Software and Systems Engineering (SSE) conducts research on theory, methods, processes, algorithms, and tools to support the design, development, testing, and maintenance of industrial software and software-intensive systems

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