
Industrial Economics and Management

The research group for studies in democracy, power and citizenship (DEM)

The research group has broad subject expertise comprising political science, social work, sociology and ecological economics. There is close cooperation with society, thus being able to disseminate new knowledge where it can be of use.


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Seminar series

Worldwide migration, disputed globalisation and populist counter-movements raise new questions of democracy, power and citizenship. Established theories are put to the test and need to be reviewed, supplemented and replaced by others. The DEM group’s research focuses on these challenges.

Here you will see the programme for the spring seminars of our Democracy, power and citizenship (DEM) seminar series. If you are interested in attending any of the seminars – and not already on our distribution list – please contact Jörgen Ödalen.

Ongoing research projects

As artificial intelligence is growing in scope and strength, it raises the issue of whether it could develop independence. This research project will monitor this development and how it impacts on society. One of the fundamental issues for the researchers to investigate is whether strong AI is even possible and, if so, how it would affect democracy, human dignity, human rights and other ethical questions.

Project manager at MDU: Jonas Hultin Rosenberg

Main financing: Marianne och Marcus Wallenbergs stiftelse (MMW)

Individuals with intellectual disability , more than others, faces limitations to political participation. Combining empirical and normative inquiry, this research project aims at mapping such limitations, assess strategies to overcome them and to facilitate political participation, and normatively evaluate what limitations ought to be removed in order not to violate the core democratic principle of inclusion.

Project manager at MDU: Jonas Hultin Rosenberg

Main financing: Vetenskapsrådet

Immigration is a controversial topic that attracts much public attention. That is why a lot of resources are poured into understanding how people reason about policies concerning, for example, border control and immigrant integration. Yet, despite this effort, we still know relatively little about public attitudes towards the largest category of cross-border mobility: family migration. Individuals who enter a country in order to join a family member tend to be treated as a group in between work-related migration and international protection. Little is known about the specific trends, norms and logics that public opinion follows in this regard. We aim to fill the described research gap.

Project manager at MDU: Jonas Hultin Rosenberg

Main financing: The Swedish Research Council