
Information Design

Vis'man - Visual and Spatial Communication and Management from users' perspectives

Project Vis'Man aimed at developing new concepts and design solutions for so-called visual management boards.






Main financing

Collaboration partners

Research area

Project manager at MDU

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External project members

Martin Kurdve, Ulrika Harlin och Rise Mölndal.

Project objectives

Project Vis'Man aimed at developing new concepts and design solutions for so-called visual management boards (e.g., Lean boards, Team boards, goal management boards, and similar). Management and co-workers have regular work meetings around such boards to, among other things, plan work activities, monitor activities and performance, and contribute to development work and improvements within the organization. In the Visman project, studies were conducted regarding the role of visuals and visual information related to the visual management boards and their location.

This research relates to the following sustainable development goals