
The Student Union and Student Associations

Starting your studies may mean that you have to move to a new city and then the social aspect is really important for your well-being. Getting involved with the student union or in an association means that you can find new friends for life.

Mälardalen Student Union

Mälardalen Student Union (MDSU) is the official Student Union at MDU and is active at both campus locations. One of their most important assignments is to ensure that you have the opportunity to influence your education through student influence.

Student Associations

The Student Associations at MDU are there to make your study time as positive as possible. They are made up of committed volunteer students and are affiliated with special programmes at the University. They mainly work with monitoring courses and programmes and social activities for students. In addition, they play an important role in the introduction of new students to the University through the buddy scheme. In these efforts, they share their experiences and welcome new students to MDU so that they have an opportunity to feel part of the community.