
Solutions to problems when trying to connect to Eduroam

If you cannot find eduroam in the list of available networks or do not have a valid certificate, you may need to install it on your device. If you have previously filled in the wrong details, your device may not recognise that you are filling in the correct details and continue to use the wrong ones.

Here you can find instructions on how to solve problems connecting to Eduroam:

If you can’t find Eduroam in the list of available networks or you don’t have a valid certificate, you may need to install it on your device.

Installation External link. programme is available on this link.

  1. Select the user group MDU Eduroam and the operative system used on your device to download the installer:
  2. Select Kör/Run to start the installation.
  3. Select Nästa/Next
  4. Select OK
  5. Then follow the instructions
  6. Log in with your student account: your username followed by the ending @mdu.se and also your password.

Installation programmes are available for most operative systems such as Windows, Apple, Android and Linux.

With Android devices you are requested to download the app EduroamCAT to be able to access Eduroam. This app can be obtained from Google Play, among others. Check that ”Mälardalen University” is preselected, select ”MDU Eduroam” and follow the instructions. Log in with your student account: your username followed by the ending @mdu.se and also your password.

If you can’t find Eduroam in the list of available networks or you don’t have a valid certificate, you may need to install it on your device.

  1. Check on your ChromeOS device that WiFi is On, and that you are within MDU's Eduroam network.
  2. Go to https://cat.eduroam.org External link. on your web browser and click on the blue field/button to start downloading the installer.
  3. Select Mälardalen University to identify what Eduroam configuration you will need.
  4. The web browser will recognise what device you are using and will navigate you to the CAT (Configuration Assistant Tool) version you need. Here you will see that Chrome OS was selected.
  5. Click on the blue field/button to download the installer.

Note the text below the field/button: “When you have downloaded the file, open the Chrome web browser and browse to this URL: chrome://net-internals/#chromeos. Then use the button Importera ONC-filen. The Import is silent (it will still say NO FILE CHOSEN). The new network settings will be added to the selected network”. Click on the Continue/Fortsätt button.

  1. Go to the web browser and enter the following text in the URL field: chrome://net-internals/#chromeos to install the Chromebook configuration.
  2. Select Choose File to import the ONC file.
  3. Select the downloaded file. In this case: "eduroam-chromeos-UoG-MDH_eduroam.onc". Note that there will be no indication on the screen that this has succeeded (it will still say NO FILE CHOSEN).
  4. Click on the WiFi icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the computer screen.
  5. Select Eduroam as your network to connect.
  6. Select PEAP as the EAP method. Enter your username in the Identity/Identitet field and your password in the Password/Lösenord field.

You will now be connected to MDU's Eduroam network.

If you have previously entered the wrong details it could be that your device doesn’t recognise that you are filling in the correct details but continues to use the wrong ones.

This is what you do to remove previous logins on Android:

  1. Open Settings /Inställningar
  2. Select Wifi
  3. Check that the slider at the top is in the On/På position.
  4. Select Eduroam (in Android 5.0 and 6.0 click first on More/Mer and then on Saved networks/Sparade nätverk)
  5. Select Forget/Glöm

You may also need to remove a previous certificate.

  1. Open Settings/Inställningar
  2. Select Security/Säkerhet (alternatively Security and place/Säkerhet och plats)
  3. Select Clear user details/Rensa Användaruppgifter (alternatively Encryption and user details/Kryptering och användaruppgifter)
  4. Select OK under Data storage/Uppgiftslagring


If you have previously entered the wrong details it could be that your device doesn’t recognise that you are filling in the correct details but continues to use the wrong ones.

This is what you do to remove previous logins on Iphone or Ipad:

  1. Open Settings/Inställningar
  2. Highlight Wifi and select Eduroam
  3. Select Forget this network/Glöm det här nätverket
  4. Select OK

You may also need to remove a previous certificate.

  1. Open Settings/Inställningar
  2. Select General/Allmänt
  3. Select Profile/Profil at the bottom of the page
  4. Highlight Eduroam and then Delete profile/Radera profil
  5. Confirm that you want to delete the profile

If you have previously entered the wrong details it could be that your device doesn’t recognise that you are filling in the correct details but continues to use the wrong ones.

This is what you do to remove previous logins when using Mac:

  1. Open System settings/Systeminställningar (click on the apple in the top left-hand corner)
  2. Select Network/Nätverk
  3. Highlight Wifi and then Advanced/Avancerat
  4. Select Eduroam in the list and click on the minus sign -

You may also need to remove saved login details in the Key Manager/Nyckelhanterare tool.

  1. Open the Key Manager/Nyckelhanterare (e.g. by a spotlight search with the magnifying glass in the top right-hand corner)
  2. Search for Eduroam in the Key Manager/Nyckelhanterare search field
  3. Highlight Eduroam, right-click and select Delete/Radera


If you have previously entered the wrong details it could be that your device doesn’t recognise that you are filling in the correct details but continues to use the wrong ones.

This is what you do to remove previous logins when using Windows 10:

  1. Press the Windows key + i to open Settings/Inställningar
  2. Select Network/Nätverk and Settings/Inställningar
  3. Select Manage wifi settings/Hantera wifi-inställningar further down the page
  4. You will find known wireless profiles at the bottom of the page. Highlight Eduroam and select Forget/Glöm


If you have previously entered the wrong details it could be that your device doesn’t recognise that you are filling in the correct details but continues to use the wrong ones. Your Chromebook saves the network details when you connect to a network. This is how to delete the details:

  1. Log in to Chromebook with your owner account
  2. Click on the account image/kontobilden
  3. Click on Settings/Inställningar
  4. Click on Wi-Fi under Network/Nätverk
  5. Click on Known networks/Kända nätverk
  6. Click on More/Mer and then Forget/Glöm at the network that is to be removed (Eduroam)



If you have any questions, please contact Student Centre.

E-mail: studenttorget@mdu.se
Telephone number: 021-10 13 10