
Studying with disabilities

There are several types of support and adjustments available if you have a permanent disability or another type of disability, while you are studying.

Support is available if you have for example have dyslexia, ADHD, an autism spectrum disorder, permanent mental health issues (longer than six month) or a chronic disease that affects your study situation. However certain forms of pedagogical support require additional planning time. Therefore it’s important to send your application for support ahead of time, preferably when you have been admitted to your course or program.

1. Medical certificate/assessment

To be able to receive pedagogical support, you need to have a medical certificate/assessment that demonstrates that you have a permanent disability. The certificate must be written by a doctor, psychologist or speech therapist for example.

If you don't have an assessment, you can call 1177 to get more information on how to get one.

2. Upload your certificate/assessment digitally

You will also need to make a digital application on the Nais (National Administration and Information System) website. You have to upload your certificate/assessment there. You will then be contacted by a coordinator to discuss your need for support. After the call, you will receive a certificate with recommendations regarding pedagogical support.

If you have questions about what information must be included in the certificate/assessment, or if you do not have the possibility to submit a digital application, please contact the coordinator.

Never send sensitive information in email

Never send sensitive personal data about yourself, such as a medical certificate with health information, name and social security number to the university by e-mail.

Instead, always make your application for support at www.nais.uhr.se External link, opens in new window.

No applications for targeted study support can be processed other than through NAIS.

You can read more about how Mälardalen University handles your personal data on Processing of Personal Data External link.

The support is based on your needs and can consist of the following:

  • talking books (Legimus)
  • note-taking support
  • extended time for written examinations
  • examination in smaller groups
  • speech synthesizer and spelling programmes
  • sign language interpretation
  • mentor

When you start a new course, introduce yourself to the teacher and show them the certificate from the coordinator. Please note that the certificate from the coordinator is only a recommendation and that it is always the examiner who decides whether the adjustments are possible to implement, based on the course syllabus and other provisions.

Aids/adjustments for written examinations

If you have a certificate with recommendations regarding exam hall examinations adjustments, you must send a request for these adjustments prior to each written examination.

1. Firstly, register for the examination in Ladok for students External link..

2. Then fill in the online form Request aids/adjustments for written examinations.

Registration for the exam and the request aids/adjustments must be done no later than ten days before the examination.

More information

Contact MDU:s coordinators.

Never send sensitive personal data about yourself, such as a medical certificate with health information, name and social security number to the university by e-mail.