
Request for aids/adjustments during written on-campus examinations

Here you will find the order form regarding aids/adjustments during written on-campus examinations.

If you need aids/adjustments, you should no earlier than 21 days and no later than 10 days before each exam:

  1. register for the written examination in Ladok for students External link.
  2. submit the form on this page to order the aids/adjustments you require for the written on-campus examination.

Please note that:

  • The aids/adjustments you order must be recommended in your certificate from the Coordinator.
  • The certificate must be valid today and on the day of the written on-campus examinations
  • You should contact a Coordinator if your certificate needs to be updated, at least 14 days before the exam date.
  • The exam supervisor will not be able to give instructions for aids before or during the exam.

Use your student email @student.mdu.se


Campus * (mandatory)

Time * (mandatory)

Find your course syllabus: https://www.mdu.se/en/malardalen-university/education/find-your-syllabus
Aids/adjustments required for this exam * (mandatory)
Aids/adjustments required for this exam

What happens next?
After submitting the form, you will receive a confirmatory email. You will receive an email no later than 2 days before the exam date with information about your request and which room you will write your exam in. For practical reasons, students are often placed in smaller groups even if they have not requested that particular support.

The Student Centre

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Centre at studenttorget@mdu.se