
Templates and Forms for students

Here you can find the forms and templates you may need during your studies.

The guidelines exist so that all students, supervisors and examiners will have the same understanding of how degree projects and reports must be written. You will find the instructions and templates for degree projects and reports in Canvas, the virtual learning environment.

Cover page, templates and logos


Please remember that Mälardalen University’s logo may not be used in contexts other than for theses or academic papers from Mälardalen University. The logo may not be altered or edited in any way.

Cover page for take-home examinations and written assignments

Compendium Front Page


Here you can find forms to print out and links to the online forms. Paper forms must be printed out, filled in (by hand) and signed before they are sent or submitted.

Application to get a deferment of studies

If you, as an admitted student, have special reasons and cannot take your study place, you can apply for a deferment in writing with an attached certificate proving the reasons.

Application for credit transfer of a full course/part of a course

You may apply for a credit transfer in the first instance through Ladok. If you wish to apply through a form please email: tillgodoraknande@mdu.se.

Apply for a credit transfer for studies abroad

You may apply for a credit transfer in the first instance through Ladok. If you wish to apply through a form please email: tillgodoraknande@mdu.se.

Application for moderated off-campus examinations

If there are special reasons, a student may be allowed to take the examination at another location on their own initiative. The University cannot guarantee that this will take place, the reasons and conditions must be justified in every case.

Apply for an exemption from the requirements for a course

As a student, you can apply for an exemption from the admission requirements of a course.

Request for a grade review

As a student, you have the right to request a grade reassessment. The request must include a detailed written statement of the reasons.

Request for a change of examiner

As a student, you have the right to change examiner if you have failed twice on the same examination.

Order aids/adjustments for written examinations

If you require additional aids due to a disability, you must apply to the exam, but you must also send in an order to get aids at least ten days before the examination session.

Ordering a scan of the examination

If you want to go through the marked exam you can get it scanned in.

Request to write two exams at the same instance

If two exams are being held at the same time/examination session, students can send a request to take these two exams at the same time. This should be done at least 10 calendar days before the examination session.

Apply for a degree certificate

You should apply for a degree certificate, or diploma in the first place in Ladok. If you cannot use Ladok then you should apply through a form.

Apply for a degree certificate, teacher

Degree certificates for teachers, special needs teachers and special education needs educators can be applied in the first place through Ladok. If you cannot use Ladok then you should apply through a form.

Apply for a degree certificate, researchers

Apply for a degree certificate at the third-cycle level.

If you as a student need to take a leave of absence from your studies you must apply for this in writing. Approved leave from studies can be applied for from the second semester.

Apply for non-completion of a programme

If you wish to discontinue your studies on your programme you must apply for this through Ladok in the first instance. If you don’t have the login details you may use this form. Then there will be an automatic discontinuation of all courses in the programme that have not been completed.