
Frequently asked questions and answers about studying

What do I need to do to start studying at MDU? What professional opportunities are available after the study programme and courses? What is it like to study at the University?

These are some of the questions that many people ask themselves before starting a study programme or course at university. In conversations with study counsellors, you will receive various tools to make informed decisions about your study choice and the labour market. The conversation will be based on you as an individual and you will get help to discover what opportunities and options there are. Think of the study counsellor as a support for discussion along the way but that it is you who decide.MDU's study counsellors have a confidentiality obligation in accordance with Chapter 23, Section 5 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act.

Questions and answers

There are several ways to help with your decision of what to study and the profession in which you are interested. Below you will see some questions that can help you make your decision.

  • What are my interests?
  • What are my characteristics?
  • What do I want to learn and develop?
  • Which professions and courses and study programmes seem interesting? In what way are they interesting?
  • Am I qualified to apply? What does it require for me to start a specific education?

It is a good idea to write down your reflections and answers as it can help you get an overview of your thoughts.

If you are unsure what type of education would suit you, a discussion with a study counsellor can also help you decide. Think of a study counsellor as a neutral conversation partner.

In discussions with study counsellors, you will receive various tools to make informed decisions about your study choice and the labour market. The conversation will be based on you as an individual and you will get help to discover what opportunities and options there are. Think of the study counsellor as a support for discussion along the way but that it is you who decide.

In order to start a study programme or course at MDU, you must have the general entry requirements. There are several ways to achieve the general entry requirements. You can get your entry requirements for instance through an upper-secondary school, adult education, folk high school adult education college or a foreign upper-secondary education.

If you do not have a complete education at upper-secondary level, it is possible to supplement your education through studies at, for example, adult education in your local municipality. It may also be possible to obtain the general entry requirements by applying through prior learning. For more information about general entry requirements and type of education, visit universityadmissions.se.

  • If you are studying with a degree as a goal, there are specific requirements for each degree course. Some degrees can only be achieved through programmes (especially those leading to a upper secondary vocational diploma), other degrees can also be achieved through freestanding courses.
  • A programme consists of courses that together meet the qualification requirements for the education you are studying. However, if you are taking freestanding courses, it is important that you continuously check with the study counsellors in your subject so that your courses meet the qualification requirement.
  • Another difference between studying programmes and freestanding courses is that you as a degree programme student have guaranteed admission to the compulsory courses within the programme as long as you meet the entry requirements, while as an independent student you have to compete for a place for each course.
  • It is also possible to take freestanding courses for a short period, for example, relating to continuing professional development or if you are curious to try a new subject.

Most degree programmes start in the autumn semester, but there are also programmes that start during the spring semester. The range of freestanding courses is about the same during the autumn and spring semester.

For the autumn programme start period, the application period runs from mid-March to mid-April with a few exceptions. For the spring semester you can apply from mid-September to mid-October. Exact dates for your application can be found on Universityadmissions.se. External link. On the page you will also find application dates for summer courses.

  • Are you unsure if your grades are good enough to get into the course or study programme you intend to apply for? Then the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (Högskoleprovet) is an option for you. Here you will find more information about the test. studera.nu External link.
  • There may also be opportunities to re-take courses to try to raise your grades from upper-secondary school via adult education in your local municipality – please contact the adult education in your local municipality for more information.
  • If you can apply to other similar programmes at several university colleges and universities, it will also increase your chances. Perhaps there are other courses and study programmes you can also apply for that will lead to similar professions?

We have gathered lots of information for you as a New student here at mdu.se that you can read. For help with practical questions you may also contact the Student Centre.

Programme syllabus, study programme overview, course syllabus and reading list:

If you are studying a programme, you will find the names and course codes of the courses you will be studying in the upcoming semesters in your programme overview on the above page.

When courses take place within a study programme, you can find them in the programme overview.

There are several different support and service functions that you can use as a student. As a student you can visit Student Health Care to get advice and support from our counsellors and health advisors. All visits are free of charge, they have a duty of confidentiality and do not keep records.

  • stress
  • depression, anxiety, worry or speech anxiety/public speaking anxiety
  • study difficulties, performance-related pressure or that you always postpone things until the last minute
  • life crises, deaths or illnesses
  • relationship problems
  • health and lifestyle issues such as sleep, food, exercise, alcohol or tobacco

Studying with a disability

There is special educational support available if you have a permanent disability such as dyslexia, ADHD or chronic diseases that affect your studies. The support is designed according to your needs and can consist of, for example, note-taking support, extended time for a written examination, mentoring support or talking books.

 Study techniques

Do you have an exam coming up? A lot to read and learn and too little time? Don’t worry. With a good study technique your chances of succeeding with your studies will increase. Good study habits will help you not only to learn new things but also to make you less stressed. Here are some valuable tips along the way.

För dig som är i behov vägledning och information om dina studier är du välkommen att kontakta en studievägledare. Du kan också få hjälp med studieplanering av oss. Vi har en studievägledare för varje utbildningsprogram för dig som studerar hos oss men också centrala studievägledare som hjälper dig som funderar på att ta steget till en högre utbildning. Central studievägledare kan också hjälpa dig som studerar kurser och program och önskar vägledning om dina studier och framtida yrken.

Higher education institutions and universities can issue two different types of degrees, an upper secondary vocational diploma or a general qualification (Degree of Bachelor).

An upper secondary vocational diploma is a type of qualification for courses and study programmes which leads to a specific profession. In order to obtain an upper secondary vocational diploma, you need to study a programme that leads to the correct upper secondary vocational diploma and follows the programme syllabus. Often an upper secondary vocational diploma is required in order to apply for professional status qualification, mainly in the school environment and in healthcare.

General qualifications are broader and not as detailed as an upper secondary vocational diploma, in terms of the course content in the degrees. UKÄ (the Swedish Higher Education Authority’s) definition of a general qualification, is that it is a non-vocational degree, which is achieved after higher education with a particular specialisation, part of which focuses on a main subject, determined by the higher education institution in question. This means that you can get a general qualification after completing one of our programmes, but you can also take various freestanding courses and get a general qualification. General qualifications at Bachelor’s level are the Higher Education Diploma and Degree of Bachelor, and at Master’s level a Master's (60-credits) and Master's (120-credits) degree.

At MDU, we have the following professional qualifications:

  • Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery
  • Degree of Master of Science in Engineering
  • Degree of Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy
  • Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Pre-School Education
  • Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Primary Education
  • Degree of Bachelor of Science in Engineering
  • Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Degree of Bachelor of Science in Social Work
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Specialist Nursing
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs
  • Degree of Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education

To view forecasts of labour market demand for the various professions, you can visit Arbetsförmedlingen (Swedish Public Employment Service) External link. and Framtid.se External link. where you will find forecasts for professions in many different areas.

When you are admitted as a student at MDU, you have the opportunity to apply for a credit transfer from your previous studies. It may be possible to apply for a later part of a programme if you have already taken courses corresponding to previous semesters in a study programme.

An approved leave from studies means that you may take a temporary break in your studies but plan to continue studying the following semester. For programmes that commence once during the academic year, the approved leave from studies will be valid for two semesters. If you have special reasons and can show this with a certificate, you can get your leave from studies approved with a guarantee of a place on the programme. Special reasons can be social or medical. Other circumstances such as minding children, military or civilian service or student union duties can also qualify as special reasons.If you take a break in your studies without informing the University, you will lose your place. Therefore it is advisable to discuss a potential break in your studies with a study counsellor. Please remember to also inform CSN (The Swedish Board of Student Finance) if you receive student finance.

If you don’t want to continue your studies on a study programme that you have started, then you can apply for non-completion of studies. This implies that you will cancel your place. If you receive student finance then you must also inform CSN (The Swedish Board of Student Finance). It may be possible for you to return to the study programme at a later stage but only if there is an available place. If you are planning to continue studying on the programme you should instead apply for an approved leave from studies. In the first instance, you can submit the termination directly in Ladok. It is also possible to submit a non-completion of studies through a form.

Contact Study counsellors

Email to get in touch with a study counsellor.

E-mail: studievagledning@mdu.se